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Westport/Brier Island Experiences

The village of Westport, Nova Scotia is the only community on Brier Island. First settled in 1769, Westport is a traditional working fishing village and has always made it's fortunes from the sea which surrounds it. With a current population of over 200 permanent residents, most who make their living fishing, Westport stands as a prime example of the industrious and friendly nature of the Nova Scotian people.

Below is a small selection of the tours we can organise for you when you have booked your Canada holiday with us and are visiting Westport/Brier Island.

Duration: Between 3 to 5 Hours

The waters off Brier Island and the Bay of Fundy are the summer feeding ground, nursery and play area for dozens of marine species. Strong tidal currents bring nutrients close to the surface, increasing the productivity of plankton. The plankton attracts large schools of herring and mackerel, which in turn provide food for whales, dolphins, seabirds and a colony of seals. The number and variety of shore and seabirds in and around Brier Island is nothing short of spectacular. In the fall, the island is a popular stopover for hundreds of migrating warblers, shorebirds and raptors.

In the late spring the finback and minke whales and harbour porpoises are the first to arrive from their southern breeding grounds. In June, the humpback whales return, and, by late June, are abundant. Also white-sided dolphins are often observed. By mid-July all five species are commonly sighted and usually remain until fall.

The endangered North Atlantic Right Whale, White-beaked Dolphins and Pilot Whales are ocassionally observed on our whale watching tours. Beluga, Sperm and Blue Whales are known to inhabit the region, but are rarely seen. There are also occasional sightings of Bluefin Tuna, Sea Turtles, Ocean Sunfish and Basking Sharks on our toursthses cruises; bird species include Atlantic Puffins and several varieties of gannets, petrels, shearwaters and phalaropes.

Brier Island Whale Watching Cruise Highlights

  • Option to travel on two different vessel types
  • Learn information about endangered and rare whale species

Call our experts and take the first step on your trip beyond ordinary

Canada Expert DavidDavid
Canada Expert SeanSean

Speak to our Travel Experts on 0800 270 0009

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